We had a lot of fun earlier this month with one of our DIY Summer Camp Themes! Donut Week was one of the weeks we picked this year. The kids always enjoy making at least one recipe during these weeks. … [Read more...]
Cherry Almond Baked Oatmeal
Does anyone really even try to eat healthy during the holidays? I'm not sure. We do have our fair share of treats but also try to incorporate healthy foods as well. That is why I love this recipe for … [Read more...]
Christmas Tree Fruit and Cheese Board
What better way to celebrate the holidays than with this easy and fun Christmas Tree Fruit and Cheese Board! If your kids are like mine, it can be hard to get them to eat anything besides cookies at a … [Read more...]
Yogurt Parfait Pops – Recipe Book Review
Summer has definitely arrived here in North Carolina! We had a super hot weekend and spent lots of time at the neighborhood pool trying to stay cool. One of the best parts of summer is making new … [Read more...]
Whole 30 Approved Party Food
The holidays are coming! That means lots of fun parties and lots of party food! We are currently not on a Whole 30 but I wanted to share these Whole 30 Approved Party Food Recipes with you. I think it … [Read more...]
Oatmeal Cookie Energy Bites – Recipe Book Review
I have been a fan of the 100 Days of Real Food blog for several years. I first discovered it on Pinterest while I was looking for healthy foods for my toddler. It completely changed my life and view … [Read more...]