We officially made it through the Whole 30! Overall this has been a great experience. I have been able to tame my raging sweet tooth (the sugar dragon) and in the process lost five pounds. I would … [Read more...]
January Whole 30 – Week 1 Meal Plan
We made it through the first week of our January Whole 30! This is a big deal for us since it is not our first try. When we did it a few years ago, we dropped out on days 4 and 5. The biggest … [Read more...]
14 Recipes for a Successful Whole 30
When I wrapped up my Freezer Challenge a couple of months ago, I mentioned that I would be starting the Whole 30 in January. Now that January is quickly approaching, I realized I need to start … [Read more...]
Menu Monday – Freezer Challenge Recap
The freezer challenge is officially over! It has been a fun six weeks but now I am ready to enjoy some of my freezer stash! It came just in time. We had a busy weekend. I normally would have meal … [Read more...]
Menu Monday – Freezer Challenge Week 6
It is the final week of the Freezer Challenge inspired by Stock Your Freezer the Easy Way! This has been an awesome challenge and I hope it has inspired someone else. Next week I will plan to do a … [Read more...]
Menu Monday – Freezer Challenge Week 5
Hello! Hello! It was my birthday last week and my family got me an Instant Pot. I am super excited and can't wait to get started with it. I wonder how long it will sit in the box though? I am also a … [Read more...]