We finished up Science Week a few weeks ago! It was definitely a fun week and we can’t wait to do it again next year. One of our favorite activities of the week was having a Potions Party with friends.
Our favorite part of DIY Summer Camp ended up being Fun with Friends Friday! Having a Potions Party seemed like the perfect fit for Science Week. As a result, the kids ended up having a blast. Now Graylie asks to do science on a regular basis.
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Potion Making Supplies
I kept our Potions Party Activity super simple since I knew their favorite part is really just playing with friends. I had been picking up random supplies all summer at Dollar Tree.
Other than the supplies I picked up at Dollar Tree, everything else we already had around the house. The morning of the playdate I just set everything out on a table. We did this activity outside since it can get messy.
The following items were used for this Potions Party Activity.
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Glitter
- Food Coloring
- Dish Soap
- Measuring Cups
- Funnels
- Mini Ice Tray
- Safety Goggles
- Pipettes
- Test Tubes (leftover from our Rainbow Lab Kit)
- Clear Plastic Cups
- Spoons and whisks
- Baking Pans
Once the kids were ready to begin, I showed them where the supplies were set up. I really gave them no directions. I like to see what they can create on their own.
So many fun experiments!
They got busy right away! They were all excited to work with baking soda and vinegar. We had done a play dough volcano earlier in the week so they knew exactly what to do to create a reaction.
They enjoyed using the pipettes to transfer liquids and substances from one container to another. The glitter was also very popular with a couple of the girls.
I also found it helpful to have pans available. They could use these to make their potions and it kept the “explosions” contained. Then they were able to use all the overfill to explore more combinations.
One of their creations ended up being very close to kinetic sand. We were all really excited and impressed by that one. The bubbly experiments were definitely their favorites though.
Potions Party Success!
Even though this activity does get messy, I highly recommend it for a fun play date! I had let their mom know ahead of time not to wear good clothes. We knew going in that it could get messy. Hands might be a shade of green. Drops of colors may end up on clothes. No big deal!
This mess might look a little overwhelming to some. Clean up was not too bad. I used dish pans from Dollar Tree to collect everything and just rinsed it all out. Since dish soap, vinegar, and baking soda are all technically cleaning supplies, everything came clean pretty quickly.
This is a great summer activity! I also think it would be a fun activity for Halloween or Fall. Here in North Carolina it is definitely warm enough to keep doing activities outside.