I almost didn’t make it this month on my scrapbooking challenge! As I said previously, my goal is to work through one of the Close to My Heart Workshops Your Way Scrapbooking Kits each month. By doing this, I can get three double page layouts completed each month. This month I chose to use the No Worries Kit. It is an awesome kit for all of those beach pictures I have been storing in boxes over the last ten years!
It is easy to get intimidated by all of the beautiful layouts posted online and in magazines. I try to remember that I am preserving my memories and it is okay if I can’t produce perfect layouts every time. For me it is all about the pictures. That is really what I am going to want to see 20 years from now!
Here are the layouts I was able to create this month with the No Worries Kit.
I had a lot of fun with this kit and had way too many pictures to choose from. I am really wanting to look into pocket scrapbooking as well. It looks like a quick and easy way to get a large number of photos organized and into albums. Here is an example of the pocket page additions I could have added to this kit:
I’ve never heard of pocket scrapbooking, looks cute. Nice work meeting your scrapbook goal this month!
Thanks Amy! It was a close one but I am so glad I was able to make it.
These are beautiful layouts! I have never scrapbooked, but have boxes of pictures that need a home.
Thanks Emily! You should look into the pocket scrapbooking! I hear it is quick and easy. I am hoping to try it out soon so I can get caught up on all of my photos!
Your layouts look so organised and lovely. My scarpbooking is normally messy lol. Great ideas here, thanks
Thank you Melissa!
I love those scrapbooks! They look so pretty (and so easy to use). I cannot keep up with all of our family photos. I’m so behind!
Thanks Lexi! Yes, they are super easy and that is why I love them! I hoping to check into pocket scrapbooking to see if that is ever easier. I would love to get a lot done this year!