It's been a while since I've shared about my love of shopping at Aldi! It's the number one place to go if you have a grocery budget. The more I can save on groceries, the more I can spend on crafting … [Read more...]
Oatmeal Cookie Energy Bites – Recipe Book Review
I have been a fan of the 100 Days of Real Food blog for several years. I first discovered it on Pinterest while I was looking for healthy foods for my toddler. It completely changed my life and view … [Read more...]
Back to School Popsicle Stick Frame Craft
I feel like summer just started! How is it already time to start thinking about Back to School? One of my favorite things is getting that cute first day of school photo. The kids look so cute with … [Read more...]
Rainbow Themed Back to School Supplies
We still have quite a few more weeks before school starts. I know some kids will be heading back soon though. The sight of all the school supplies being organized in the stores makes me happy! I've … [Read more...]
Use Leftover Journaling Cards for DIY Lunch Box Notes
Today was the first day back to school for us! That means we are back to packing lunches every day. Surprisingly, I have never put a lunch box note in Gavin's lunch in the 3 years that he has been … [Read more...]
Back to School Favorites from Trader Joe’s
With back to school on the horizon, it is time to start thinking about school lunches and snacks again. Packing lunches is not one of my favorite things. I wish I was more into it. There are so many … [Read more...]