Am I the only one who struggles with balancing a career and being a mom? This past year my life has seemed so out of balance that I felt like something needed to change. Yesterday was my last day at … [Read more...]
Rocking Motherhood Challenge
I have been invited to join in on the Rocking Motherhood Challenge by a new friend, Kristen on Instagram. She is a fellow mom and you can check her out at and on … [Read more...]
Toddler Tummies
Is it just mine or do all toddlers just not eat? When Graylie was around 9 months old she would try anything. She loved avocado, scrambled eggs, green beans, peas, and fruits galore. I thought I am … [Read more...]
5 Things I’ve Learned During My Blog Launch
I started this blog about one month ago. I had originally thought about starting one last fall but talked myself out of it. I guess the whole start of a new year was enough to motivate me to start … [Read more...]
Toddler Toy Obsession
Welcome back to Toddler Tuesday! I am assuming if you have a toddler, you probably would love to know of a toy that your toddler will actually play with for more than five minutes. Well, if you have a … [Read more...]
Toddler Trouble
I started this blog about two weeks ago and the main question I get is "how do you find the time to blog?" It is a very relevant question. Since the days are pretty full, I try to get in about an hour … [Read more...]