Do you have a preschooler who is working on learning letters? This Alphabet Sticker Matching game is such a fun activity! We actually tried this out a few weeks ago along with our Letter Matching Easter Sensory Bin.
Graylie has been working on recognizing and writing letters a lot at preschool and has really been interested in sounding out the alphabet. She only goes three days a week. So I decided we should do some activities at home to help reinforce what she is learning at preschool.
The best part about this activity was I did not have to purchase any supplies! Since I have been a scrapbooker for many years, I have an abundance of alphabet stickers. Several years ago I could not stay away from Hobby Lobby’s 50% off sticker sales!
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You only need a few supplies to create this activity:
- Alphabet Stickers
- Cardstock (any paper really!)
- Paper Trimmer or Scissors
- Tape
- Marker or Sharpie
Here are the super simple steps:
- If you are using 12 X 12 cardstock, cut into four pieces so that you have four 6 X 6 squares.
- Write a letter on each square with the marker.
- Tape the squares onto the wall.
- Give child alphabet stickers to place onto the appropriate squares of each letter.
As she did this, we talked about the sounds of the letters and words that start with those letters. We started with the first 8 letters of the alphabet and will gradually keep working on more letters. I also think it would be fun to spell out her name and work only with those letters.
If you’re not a scrapbooker or craft supply hoarder like me, don’t worry! It is not expensive to purchase these supplies either. Alphabet stickers can be found at most dollar stores and all craft stores. You could even use printer labels and hand write the letters.
Also, any type of paper would work if you don’t have cardstock on hand. Kids are not perfectionists like we are. They just want to have fun! If we can make learning fun, then we have had a successful day! 🙂