This is by no means a parenting blog. I am definitely not here to give advice. I just want to share the struggles and moments in our life with a toddler. That is why I want to do a series call Toddler Tuesday for the next few weeks. This one is called Toddler Transitions. I eluded to sleeping issues in a previous post. If you do not have sleep issues with your baby or toddler, you are very fortunate. We moved to a new house several months ago and have struggled ever since. Needless to say we have a bed buddy.
Right before Christmas, we thought we had the most genius idea. We would take down the crib and get her a fancy new Frozen Toddler Bed. She would love it so much she would only want to sleep in her room. Look how excited she is!
She did take a nap in it that day. Once bedtime came, the fun was over. The first night I slept in it with her. I couldn’t keep that up though. I tried sneaking in & out the next night. It was like she was laying there waiting for me to make a move! I know we probably should have stuck it out, but one night I was scrolling through Facebook though and came across this:
Tears sprang to my eyes and I realized she’s only little for a little while and it’s okay if she sleeps in the middle.